Spokane International Airport GEG Guide: GEG Terminals, Airlines, Hotels, Rental Cars, Directions
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Spokane International Airport Car Parking

Reserve Airport Parking at Spokane International Airport
Please enter your expected arrival time at the car park NOT your flight time

Park Sleep Fly

Airport Car Parking

The ample parking facilities at the Spokane International Airport provide commuters six parking areas. They include two parking garages, outside parking lot, economy parking, concourse C parking and shuttle parking. Rates for all areas are daily and weekly. Contact Airport Parking at +1 509 455 6457 for further details.

Parking Garages

Located just outside the terminal area; charges are daily and weekly. The two parking garages are the largest in the airport and the largest provides covered parking.

Outside Parking

Outside parking lot is situated just beyond the garages and it offers parking on both short-term and long-term basis. Charged at daily and weekly rates. The terminal is only a short walk away.

Economy Parking

This unattended parking lot is located behind the outside parking area. Rates are daily and weekly. Payments to be done through credit cards only.

Concourse C Parking

Located to the east of outside parking, concourse C parking is unattended and payments are to be made by credit card only. Rates are daily and weekly.

North Shuttle Parking

This parking lot is the furthest away from the terminal. Provides a continuous, free shuttle service to the terminal; rates are daily and weekly.

Parking for the Physically Disabled

Accessible parking is available in all lots.

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