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Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Security


Increased security measures are in operation at US airports. Information on what passengers are permitted and forbidden to take aboard is available to download from the Transportation Security Administration web site (English version pdf). Information on issues including traveling with children, pets, and transporting special items is available here.

Prohibited Items

For information on prohibited items, click here.

Visas, Immigration, and Customs Information

For detailed information on visa requirements, immigration, and customs, contact the consulate that relates to your destination. For official US immigration and customs information, click here. Documentary requirements for travelers entering the US is available here.

Baggage Stores

The Seattle - Tacoma International Airport doesn't offer self service baggage lockers for travelers. Instead, the airport features Ken's Baggage and Frozen Food Storage, a staffed service offering baggage storage facilities. It is located in between Carousels 12 and 13 on the Baggage Claim Level of the Main Terminal.

Lost & Found

Missing baggage:

The airport offers the services of a lost and found for items lost in the airport terminal, parking garages, or drive areas of the airport. The Lost and Found is located on the Mezzanine Level in central part of the Main Terminal. For items lost on an airplane please contact the relevant airline.

Help for stranded travelers:

Stranded travelers can request for assistance at the Information Desk located on the Baggage Claim Level of the Main Terminal. For non-emergencies please contact the police on (206) 433 5400. In addition to this, pathfinders and volunteers are positioned throughout the airport to assist travelers in any possible way.

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Please note: The term Seattle-Tacoma International Airport SEA as well as all associated graphics, logos, and/or other trademarks, tradenames or copyrights are the property of the Seattle Tacoma Airport authority and are used herein for factual descriptive purposes only. We are in no way associated with or authorized by the Seattle Tacoma Airport authority and neither that entity nor any of its affiliates have licensed or endorsed us.