Nashville International Airport BNA Hotels
Holiday Inn Nashville - The Crossings, TN Nashville reservations
See all Nashville International Airport BNA Airport Hotels
Holiday Inn Nashville - The Crossings, TN Nashville reservations
See all Nashville International Airport BNA Airport Hotels
Holiday Inn Nashville - The Crossings, TN
201 Crossings Place ANTIOCH TN 37013 UNITED STATES

General Hotel Information
138 guest rooms 5 floors Pets allowed COMPLIMENTARY PARKING ON LEVEL LOT SURROUNDS HOTEL. BUS PARKING AVAILABLE ON LEVEL LOT Complimentary Parking Public transportation within walking distance
Special Hotel Features
AAA Diamond Rating - 3 Mobil Star Rating - 3 Room service available 1 restaurant Cocktail lounge
Conference and Meeting Facilities
Rectangular room with no columns can be set up in many styles. classroom 50 people, theater 100 people, U-shape 35 people, hospitality set-up 100 people. Audio-visual services available. Food and beverage services available.
Services and Equipment
Microphone Flip chart Projector VCR Alternative business services - We offer 24 hour fax, copy, and transparency services Food and beverage package
Special Hotel Features
Conference and Meeting Facilities
Services and Equipment