George Bush Intercontinental IAH Hotels
Holiday Inn Houston Airport Hotel IAH - Texas TX Houston reservations
See all George Bush Intercontinental IAH Airport Hotels
Holiday Inn Houston Airport Hotel IAH - Texas TX Houston reservations
See all George Bush Intercontinental IAH Airport Hotels

Holiday Inn Houston Airport Hotel IAH - Texas TX
15222 John F. Kennedy Blvd HOUSTON TX 77032 UNITED STATES

General Hotel Information
415 guest rooms and 1 suites 5 floors Pets allowed Parking is on-site and complimentary. Complimentary Parking Public transportation within walking distance
Special Hotel Features
AAA Diamond Rating - 3 Mobil Star Rating - 3 Room service available 1 restaurant Cocktail lounge FEMA Approved Hotel (Fire Safety Act) Gift shop Newsstand
Conference and Meeting Facilities
Eleven meeting rooms comprise more than 8,000 square feet of function space, including our 4,000 square-foot formal ballroom. We offer superior meeting and banquet service with a commitment to food and beverage excellence. 30 (8' by 10') booths can be accommodated in the largest meeting room Exhibit space available - 4070 sq. ft or 378 sq. meters
Services and Equipment
Secretarial services Microphone Flip chart Lectern Projector LCD VCR Modem lines Cable modem Food and beverage package
Special Hotel Features
Conference and Meeting Facilities
Services and Equipment