Chicago Midway Airport Car Parking

Airport Hotel and Parking Packages
Airport hotels with parking packages offer travelers a good night's sleep at a hotel located close to the airport, bringing peace of mind to those with an early morning flight - eliminating the fear of missing your flight due to heavy traffic, bad weather or airport security measures. Airport hotels with parking packages are great value - often costing the same as or less than airport parking alone. So if you have an early morning departure, why not book an airport hotel that offers Park, Sleep and Fly packages, and stay the night before you depart.
Check for Park, Sleep Fly packages with hotels at Chicago MDW airport »

Car Parking Lots at Midway Airport
Chicago Midway Airport operates hourly and daily parking in a convenient location between 55th and 59th Streets, just east of Cicero Avenue. Economy parking is available at three separate locations: east of Cicero Avenue and west of Cicero Avenue on 55th Street.
Parking fees are based on the actual time a vehicle is in the facility. Discounted parking is not available. Rate calculations are based on the area parked.
Hourly Parking
Hourly parking is available on the 1st floor of the Parking Garage, situated close to the airport terminal, east of Cicero Avenue, making it convenient for dropping off or greeting people. The Parking Garage is for parking three hours or less, and is not for overnight parking.
Daily Parking
Levels 4, 5, and 6 of the Parking Garage are available for daily parking, and situated close to the airport terminal, east of Cicero Avenue.
Level 2 of the Parking Garage is the location for rental car pick-up and drop-off.
Economy Lots and Economy Garage
Two locations are available - East of Cicero Avenue and ¼ Mile West of Cicero Avenue on 55th Street. A complimentary Shuttle Bus Service is available from both parking lots to the Terminal building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The designated stops for the Shuttle Buses are identifiable by numbered signs.
To ensure you are able to find your car easily on your return, please note the number of the Shuttle bus stop you are picked up from when departuring for the airport from the Economy Parking lot.
Shuttle Buses to the parking lots depart the Terminal Building every 15 minutes.
Specialty Parking Services
Parking for Disabled Travelers
Parking for disabled travelers is available at the Midway Parking Garage, next to the terminal. Spaces are situated near each of the three elevators cores, where they should make their way to pedestrian bridge on Level 3 to access the terminal.
Designated areas for disabled travelers are also available in the Economy Parking lots, close to the entrances of each lot, and marked in blue and yellow. A free shuttle bus service to the terminal is available every 15 minutes, and is equipped with wheelchair lifts. For further information please call +1 773 838 0756.
Parking Longer than 30 Days
Arrangements should be made in advance if parking more than 30 days at the airport by calling +1 773 838 0756. Vehicles parked over 30 days without prior arrangement will be considered abandoned, and will be towed at owner's expense.
Cell Phone Lot
Temporary, free parking is available at Chicago Midway's Cell Phone lots, allowing arriving passengers to disembark from the plane, collect their luggage and call a friends, family member or business associate to pick them up curbside.
Midway Airport Cell Phone lot has 90 spaces available and conveniently located at 61st and Cicero Avenue, just south of the main airport entrance. four minutes or less from the main terminal area.
Please note that curbside waiting is prohibited at Chicago Midway Airport. Vehicles must be attended at all times while waiting in the cell phone lots . Unattendd vehicles will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
Heavy Duty Vehicles
Large box trucks, mobile homes, trailers and semi trucks, including any vehicles that occupy more than one parking space, are prohibited from parking in any of the Chicago Midway parking areas.
Clearance in Main Parking Garage
The Main Parking Garage at Chicago Midway has a clearance of 7' 2".
Clearance in the Economy Parking Garage
The Economy Parking Garage at Chicago Midway has a clearance of 8' 2".
MDW Parking - General Information
Acceptable Methods of Payment
Cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, and Carte Blanche.
Parking Violations
Any vehicles found parking in a non-designated parking space will be towed at the owner's risk and expense.
Vehicle Assistance
Please contact the Parking Garage Office on +1 773 838 0756 for any vehicle assistance required.
Parking Availability Information
Drivers can access real-time parking information and register for online alerts with the latest news from Chicago Midway Airport.
Midway MDW Airport also has its own radio station which broadcasts the latest parking lot availability and fees amongst other airport-related news. Tune in at 1630 AM within two and a half miles of the airport to listen in.
Frequenty Asked Questions
Can't find yours here? Send it to us and we'll add it below.
Can I book my parking online? You can pre-book off-site and ‘park and fly’ parking online, however you are currently unable to pre-book parking at the airports parking lots online.
Can I pre-book long term parking? Any parking needed for over 30-days needs to be verified by calling the Airport directly on 773-838-0753. If you fail to do so, your vehicle may be towed.
I need to collect some guests from the airport – can I idle my car outside the terminal while I wait? Unfortunately, you cannot wait by the curb outside the terminals however the airport does have a ‘cell phone lot’ where you are welcome to wait for arriving guests. The lot is located just south of the main entrance, at Cicero Avenue and 61st.