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Tegel Berlin International Airport TXL Airport Hotels
Description The Best Western City-Consul is situated in the district Berlin/Lichtenberg, directly at the Frankfurter Allee/Rathausstra¼e, within a short walking distance to public transportation system between all main railway stations. In less than 5 minutes you reach the lively center of historical Berlin. Credit Cards American Express Master Card Diners Club Visa Japan Credit Bureau Hotel Amenities Amenities Area Information Local Attractions: Meetings Information Schadow Room Restaurant Information Recreation Information Directions North:Berliner Ring, Mitte-Zentrum til the end of the motorway, Prenzlauer Promenade, Prenzlauer Allee left into Dimitroff Stra¼e direction Petersburger Stra¼e, left into Frankfurter Allee, after 3-5 minutes pass the Ring-Center to your left - Rathausstra¼e and Hotel to your left.East:Berliner Ring, exit Hellersdorf, keep on the *Bundesstrasse 1 and 5*, direction Mahlsdorf, Kaulsdorf, Biesdorf, stay with the *Bundesstrasse 1 and 5*, direction Berlin-Mitte-Zentrum. The street changes now to Frankfurter Allee/Rathausstra¼e/Hotel to your right.South or West:The convenient way is via Berliner Ring direction Berlin-Mitte-Zentrum |
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